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Friendly Connected Communities (FCC) opens to all communities in Leicestershire

Posted: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:24

Friendly Connected Communities (FCC) opens to all communities in Leicestershire

Friendly Connected Communities of Leicestershire is a simple and easy way to help and support communities to be more resilient, and to help individuals to feel welcome, supported, safe and integrated wherever they live in Leicestershire.

It focuses on low-level support actions, from helping an elderly person to be part of their community, to welcoming other people into existing activities and community events. It is very often the case that communities are running lots of activities and projects already. The aim of FCC is to maximise and increase links between groups, activities and local people so that more residents can feel included and are able to participate in community life.

If you decide to adhere to the principles and use the FCC logo, we may contact you within six months to learn more about how you are applying the FCC model and how it is working for you. It is important noting that, often, VCSE organisations may be working in an FCC manner and this will be a good catalyst to show what you are doing, and encourage others to apply a similar approach to community engagement.

If you are part of a voluntary organisation in Leicestershire that would like to commit to the principles of FCC, you can find more in the link to VAL pages below.

When your organisation has committed to the principles, you can receive the FCC logo by contacting us on LeicestersireCommunities@leics.gov.uk. You will be able to display this logo in your premises and include it in any information related to your organisation.

Tags: Community, Volunteering Opportunities, community collaboration, community empowerment