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England Woodland Creation Offer

Posted: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:00

England Woodland Creation Offer

EWCO supports the establishment of new woodlands and is administered by the Forestry Commission (FC). It is funded by the Exchequer through the Nature for Climate Fund, to support projects that will help us achieve Net Zero by 2050, as well as helping nature recovery and delivering other objectives in the 25 Year Environment Plan.

Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare. You could receive up to £13,000 per hectare to support your woodland creation scheme.

There are four types of payment available under EWCO:

  • support for the capital items and activities to establish new woodland, with payments covering 100% of standard costs (the national average)
  • ten years of annual Maintenance Payments to help establish the young trees once the capital works are complete
  • a contribution towards the actual cost of installing infrastructure to either enable the current and future management of the woodland, or to provide recreational access
  • optional Additional Contributions where the location of the woodland and its design will deliver public benefits. You can apply for multiple Additional Contributions on the same land where the woodland is in the right location and the design will provide multiple public benefits

Additional Contributions are optional and will be available where the woodland's location and design will deliver public benefits. These are one-off payments that can be claimed once all the capital works are completed. Where appropriate, Additional Contributions can be combined so you can apply for multiple on the same land. Additional Contributions include:

  • Nature Recovery – up to £2,800 per hectare for woodlands that restore nature and species
  • Flood Risk – £500 per hectare for woodlands that help reduce the risk of flooding
  • Water Quality - £400 per hectare for woodlands that will improve water quality
  • Riparian Buffers - £1,600 per hectare for woodlands along riverbanks that improve water habitat
  • Close to settlements – up to £500 per hectare for creating woodlands close to where people live
  • Recreational Access – up to £2,200 per hectare for providing access to woodlands for the public to enjoy

Funding packages can will be from. £4,000 to £1 million. Deadline for applications is 1 January 2025.

Find application form here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/england-woodland-creation-offer-application-form

Tags: Land, Plant, Trees, Woodlands