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Loneliness - Top Ten Tips

Here are ten useful tips* of things which can help, if you are feeling lonely:

  1. Remember you are not alone. Lots of people of all ages and backgrounds feel lonely. Millions of people in the UK say they are often or always lonely.
  2. Think about what is making you feel lonely. Anyone can experience loneliness at some point in their life, but the reasons why will vary from person to person. Taking time to think about what's causing you to feel lonely may help with finding what could help you feel differently.

  3. Be proactive. Look at what resources are out there - If you're going to the doctors or your local library, have a look for leaflets about any local events, exercise classes, book clubs, coffee mornings, playgroups etc. that may help you connect with your community. Alternatively you can also refer yourself to Lets Talk Loneliness

  4. Take up a new hobby that can be done in pairs or groups. This could be something like learning a language. If you don't like it, you can always change your mind and do something else.

  5. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Try opening up to someone who you feel comfortable talking to, whether that's a member of your family, a friend, your carer or even GP.

  6. Accept help when it's presented to you. It might be a friend or a neighbour just asking you to pop round for a brew. Don't think that you're a nuisance, because in all likelihood they will want to see you and spend time with you. Try not to worry about how you're being perceived.

  7. Access free services. There is lots of support out there which could help you address some of the causes of your loneliness.

  8. Volunteer - Volunteering can be a great way to meet new people and make new connections. You could help out at a local charity shop, or use your skills to support others.

  9. Surround yourself with activity. If you're feeling alone, why not pop out to a coffee shop or somewhere where there's some activity going on. You may meet someone else in a similar situation to you and it might spark a conversation. Try to smile at people; having someone smile back could change your day.

  10. Join groups online. If you can't leave the house, try joining an online community who share similar interests to you. You can also try inviting people into your home if you find it difficult to go out.

*Courtesy of the British Red Cross