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SHIRE Partnership Grant 2021-22
Application Form

This Application Form is for two or more organisations to jointly apply for a SHIRE Partnership Grant.

The maximum total funding available for a Partnership Grant is £25,000 and the minimum is £5,000.

The total grant award will need to be shared between applying partners.

Please note, one organisation will need to apply as the 'Lead Applying Organisation'. The Lead Applying Organisation ideally needs to be a VCSE Sector organisation.

If the application is successful, the funds will be paid to the lead organisation, on the condition/agreement that the lead organisation will ensure the grant monies are appropriately distributed to the project partners.

Before completing the Partnership Grant Application Form, please read the Guidance Notes for Applicants thoroughly, to ensure your funding proposal meet the eligibility criteria.

Please ensure you contact the Grants Officers on (0116) 305 7269 / 3057020, or email: shiregrants@leics.gov.uk to discuss your proposal before submitting your application for a Partnership Grant.

Template for Drafting your Application

Before submitting your application, we recommend that you save the text for your application in a separate Word document as a copy for your records.

Please note that the online form cannot be saved part way through. The Word version will enable you to draft your application and share it with others before completing the online form.

The Word Template is available to download below.

Please note that the Word template is for the purposes of drafting the application, for your own use only.

All applications need to be submitted using the online Application Form below (unless otherwise agreed and discussed with the Grants Officers).

Data Protection

Before submitting this application form, you will need to agree to the information contained in the Data Protection Declaration document below.

Please ensure you have read the document before selecting 'I agree' to the Declaration at the end of the Application Form.

Failure to agree to this statement will result in your application not being processed.

Submitting your Application

After submitting your application, you will see a message on your screen, with your application reference number, confirming that your application has been submitted successfully.

Please call 0116 305 7269 if this screen does not appear, as it may mean your application was not submitted successfully.

If you have any difficulties completing the online application form, please contact the Grant Officers on (0116) 305 7269 or 305 7020, or email: shiregrants@leics.gov.uk.

Application for a SHIRE Partnership Grant 2021-22

* Required Field


Please note, VAT payments that can be reclaimed by your organisation cannot be grant funded. Therefore, any SHIRE Grant award made will be based on the value of your project excluding VAT.


If you do not intend to apply for a Partnership Grant, please complete a SHIRE Community Grant 2021-22 Application Form.

Partner organisations ideally need to be other VCSE sector organisations but can also be Town/Parish Councils or academic institutions

Include any relevant information regarding your partner organisation’s track record and experience

The maximum total funding available for a Partnership Grant is £25,000 and the minimum is £5,000. The total grant award will need to be shared between applying partners.


For example, how will this partnership approach achieve economies of scale, through working together in collaboration?

Please note, we can only award funding to organisations who are able to provide services for vulnerable and disadvantaged people who are residents of Leicestershire County.


Please note, SHIRE Partnership Grants can only be awarded for services/activities which benefit vulnerable and disadvantaged people who are residents of Leicestershire County.

For example, if the funding leads to a successful project or collaboration, how will you progress this further beyond the period of SHIRE Grant funding?

21) Additional Documentation

If you have any additional documentation to support your application, please forward this via email to shiregrants@leics.gov.uk


For example Manager, Chief Executive, Director, or Trustee, etc.