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Recognising assets

Recognising Assets

Recognising assets is important because it helps to understand what it is happening in the area, who is doing what and what type of resources are available in the local area.

Personal assets

This is the knowledge, skills, talents and aspirations of individuals Social assets – the relationships people have with family, friends and the wider community.

Community assets

These are the voluntary and community sector organisations, faith groups and public sector services that operate in the area in partnership with local communities. For instance a community asset can be the local village hall, a faith group local centre or even the local park.

Physical assets

These assets contribute to health and wellbeing where people can meet and take part in activities, for example community centres, local Community Managed Libraries and general green public open spaces.

These asset based examples incorporate the Prevention, Engagement, and Catalyst principles of the Communities Approach, which is grounded on an asset based model. We will be adding more and different examples in time.They can also assist you visualising how assets are used in different circumstances.

In the next section will be looking at what it is meant by mapping assets and how this step can help you to understand what it is happening in your community.