Engagement Panel

Did you know that Leicestershire County Council's Adults and Communities department have an Engagement Panel?
Made up of volunteer members and senior leaders the purpose of the panel is to encourage and support the Department to increase the extent to which it co-produces its services with residents, carers and people who draw on those services. It also plays a vital role in reviewing plans and activities on how we engage with people, providing constructive criticism, suggestions and support. Another area the Panel are involved in is to work with Officers to design and deliver specific projects and initiatives. A group has recently finished writing a selection of fact sheets to help people understand what a direct payment is and the responsibilities involved. Some members have participated in a selection of videos that will be used as part of our staff training and development.
The Panel has been appointed as the Department's "Co-production Sponsor" - a role which will require the Panel to verify that the Department is delivering personalised care and support.
It meets once a month in person at County Hall.
Want more information about the panel?
We are currently looking for new volunteer members to join the Engagement Panel. We need members to represent the whole spectrum of people that social care may support from when people first move into Adult Social Care from Children and Family Services onwards to help us:
Advise and support the Department to increase the extent to which it co-produces its services with residents, those who draw on services and carers
Shape the Department's engagement plans and activities
Review and make recommendations on the Departments draft proposals around service design and policy and strategy development
Ensure the information it shares is fully accessible
This Role Description for prospective members 2022, has been created to help you to understand more about what you will be asked to do and to help you decide if it's the right opportunity for you.
Member Role Description (PDF, 137 Kb)
Terms of Reference October 2024 (PDF, 101 Kb)
Details of the purpose of the Panel, the memberships roles and responsibilities and meeting administration and conduct.