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Twenty Twenty Love 4 Life

Twenty Twenty is a charity which operates in Leicester, Leicestershire and Derby empowering young people aged 11-19 to build confidence and make positive choices in their health, relationships and education. The main delivery programme for this support is Love4Life.

Twenty Twenty set up the Love4Life programme in 2008 in response to a growing concern for the well-being and safety of girls from an estate in Loughborough. Since then the service has grown to work across multiple areas of deprivation across Leicestershire, Leicester and Derby, and now supports over 600 young people aged 11-19 years every year.

Love4Life specialises in supporting vulnerable girls to develop their self-esteem and form positive and empowering relationships by delivering Love4Life groups, one-to-ones and workshops in secondary schools and in the community.

The Love4Life programme has seen more need than ever following the periods of damaging isolation associated with the Pandemic. Girls were disclosing staggeringly high incidences of various forms of abuse or neglect that took place in their homes along with experiencing depression, loneliness and loss of confidence. Girls are referred onto Love4Life via parents or guardians, schools, social services, CAMHs (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or they can also contact the service themselves.

Twenty Twenty was awarded a SHIRE Community Grant of £7,488 in August 2021 towards the salaries of additional sessional workers and their IT resources needed to help meet the increased demand in the Loughborough based Love4Life programme. With this grant it was estimated that the Loughborough Love4Life Team would be able to support an additional 100 girls.

Through the intensive coaching, relationship and sex education and emotional wellbeing workshops, and group support, the girls become stronger week by week, becoming mentally more resilient, increasing their ambitions and leading more successful, rewarding lives. The girls engage in healthier, safer relationships, in and out of schools, with peers, with family members and figures of authority. Incidences of grooming, exploitation and criminality decrease, as girls reengage fully in education and in society.

Please go to the Love4Life web pages for further information on the service and more in-depth case studies

Tue, 12 Apr 2022
Twenty Twenty Love 4 Life
Andy Hayes
Andy Hayes